Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Donato (Donatello): Competing with Brunellesco

Crucifix by Filippo di Ser Brunellesco

Crucifix by Donato (Donatello)
Donato was deeply hurt by the criticism from his friend and fellow sculptor Brunellesco of a wooden crucifix he had carefully labored over, and so he challenged him to carve one himself. Then they would see what he was able to produce.

"Filippo di Ser Brunellesco, without saying anything more, returned home and set to work on a crucifix, wherein he laboured to surpass Donato, that he might not be condemned by his own judgment; but he suffered no one to know what he was doing. At the end of some months, the work was completed to the height of perfection, and this done, Filippo one morning invited Donato to dine with him, and the latter accepted the invitation. 

Thereupon, as they were proceeding together towards the house of Filippo, they passed by the Mercato Vecchio, where the latter purchased various articles and giving them to Donato, said, 'Do thou go forward with these things to the house and wait for me there. I'll be after thee in a moment.' Donato, therefore, having entered the house, had no sooner done so, than he saw the crucifix, which Filippo had placed in a suitable light. 

Stopping short to examine the work, he found it so perfectly executed, that feeling himself conquered, full of astonishment, and, as it were, startled out of himself, he dropped his hands which were holding up is apron, wherein he had placed the purchases. The whole fell to the ground, eggs, cheese, and other things, all broke to pieces and mingled together. But Donato, not recovering from his astonishment, remained still gazing in amazement. When Filippo arrived, he inquired, laughing, 'What hast thou been about, Donato? and what dost thou mean us to have for dinner, since thou hast overturned everything?' 'I, for my part,' replied Donato, 'have had my share of dinner for today; if thou must needs have thine, take it. But enough said: to thee it has been given to represent the Christ; to me, boors only."

To be continued

(Excerpts from "Lives of Seventy of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects" by Giorgio Vasari.)

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